How to discretize equations#
Now we demonstrate how to discretize a PDE object.
Pre-coded sample objects are stored in sample
attribute of phyem. Invoke these samples by
import sys
ph_dir = '../../../../../' # the path to dir that containing the phyem package.
import phyem as ph # import the phyem package
samples = ph.samples
The partial differential equations of the canocical linear por-Hamiltonian are pre-coded. Call it through
oph = samples.pde_canonical_pH(n=3, p=3, periodic=True)[0] # where o on `oph` means outer
Check oph
, outer oriented port-Hamiltonian, with
<Figure size 800x600 with 1 Axes>
We can take out the knowns and label them by
a3, b2 = oph.unknowns
We now test oph
with test functions from the spaces where a3
and b2
come from, and label the test functions by
wf = oph.test_with(oph.unknowns, sym_repr=[r'v^3', r'u^2'])
Now, we apply integration by parts to the term indexed by '1-1'
wf = wf.derive.integration_by_parts('1-1')
We now apply a particular discretization to this weak formulation,
td =
td.set_time_sequence() # initialize a time sequence
td.define_abstract_time_instants('k-1', 'k-1/2', 'k')
td.differentiate('0-0', 'k-1', 'k')
td.average('0-1', b2, ['k-1', 'k'])
td.differentiate('1-0', 'k-1', 'k')
td.average('1-1', a3, ['k-1', 'k'])
dt = td.time_sequence.make_time_interval('k-1', 'k')
wf = td()
wf.unknowns = [
a3 @ td.time_sequence['k'],
b2 @ td.time_sequence['k'],
wf = wf.derive.split(
'0-0', 'f0',
[a3 @ td.ts['k'], a3 @ td.ts['k-1']],
['+', '-'],
factors=[1/dt, 1/dt],
wf = wf.derive.split(
'0-2', 'f0',
[ph.d(b2 @ td.ts['k-1']), ph.d(b2 @ td.ts['k'])],
['+', '+'],
factors=[1/2, 1/2],
wf = wf.derive.split(
'1-0', 'f0',
[b2 @ td.ts['k'], b2 @ td.ts['k-1']],
['+', '-'],
factors=[1/dt, 1/dt]
wf = wf.derive.split(
'1-2', 'f0',
[a3 @ td.ts['k-1'], a3 @ td.ts['k']],
['+', '+'],
factors=[1/2, 1/2],
wf = wf.derive.rearrange(
0: '0, 3 = 2, 1',
1: '3, 0 = 2, 1',
We now can write the weak formulation with matrix proxies. Before doing that, we need to
mp =
The matrix format of the weak formulation leads to a linear system,
ls =
<Figure size 1200x600 with 1 Axes>
Note that, till this moment, everything is still abstract. To do the numerical simulation, we need to bring them to a particular implementation, for example, the msepy
, standing for mimetic spectral elements python, by calling ph.fem.apply
function, which will be shown in other notebooks.